ABible Student: Gojira's dad here. I would like to answer part of your question If I may. "Spiritually strong"( non thinking )JWs will stay with WTBTS. Spiritually strong( thinking) JWS will also stay with WTBTS, because of family and friends.
Spiritually weak (still thinking) JW's will also stay with WTBS because of family and friends, there have been many threads started here where both statements can be proven true.
I can only relate our story. NE and I and Gojira have always considered ourselves, as you put it , "Spiritually strong" we were the ones who would be called at the last mnuite to give a substitue talk, when I was serving as a MS I cannot tell you how many times I covered parts because others begged off on their parts. Spiritually strong , YES. Thinking for ourselves, YES,
Our problem has always been seeing the imperfections of men. Very soon there is going to be a video on youtube where NE and I video taped an elders meeting with us, BTW Gojira was in the next room taking notes through the door...
The biggest problem though we would see constantly Elders pushing their own personal opinion as scripture.. Again, MEN. We still believed this was God's ORG. Untill one day while getting reaquainted with a friend for over 20 years, also a "Spiritually strong" man came to visit us, we were catching up on things, (a move to another state has seperated us) I had made a comment "JWs are the most self decieved people in the entire world, they think the Elders are going to be there when they need them, they will not be". Well this gave my beloved BROTHER the opportunity to tell us about TTATT. At that time he was not posting here yet. What did it for NE and I was when he said he now believed Christ died on the cross. The best thing he did was encourage us to do OUR OWN research, and gave us the sites to visit. For the first time in over 45 years NE and I could see the LIES with the ORG. it was no longer men. You see we had enough respect for our friend that we listened to him, instead of throwing him out. Being spiritually strong also means having enough love to hear someone out, even if it's contrary to belief.
Being "Spiritually strong" means being able to see the lie and readjust your thinking yourself, and not letting others do it for you. Being "Spiritually strong" also means knowing there are consequences that have to be paid, We lost all our family, except our Daughter and her husband. That is a price we were willing to pay. We are so thankful that he spoke up. Thank you so much my dear, dear friend. I Love you!
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)